I’m a software engineer interested in designing and developing scientific applications, particularly for geosciences (hydrology, atmospheric science, geomorphology) and porting and optimising these applications for high-performance computing systems. Technologies that I’m interested in include Fortran, C++, Python, MPI, OpenMP, and Linux operating systems.

I currently work at the University of Edinburgh as a research software engineer where I develop and support the use of models and software within the Global Change Research Institute. My work focuses on the development and evaluation of land surface models.

Previously I worked at the Met Office (UK), where I worked on developing software for configuring and running workflows required for climate research and weather forecasting systems.

I completed a PhD at the University of Manchester developing flood-inundation models (based on CAESAR-Lisflood) to investigate how such models are sensitive to the choice of erosional process parametersiation and spatial resolution of rainfal data input. The spin-off model I developed (HAIL-CAESAR) was parallelised and ported to the ARCHER HPC service to carry out sensitivity analyses using ensemble simulations. My thesis was titled: Modelling catchment sensitivity to rainfall resolution and erosional parameterisation in simulations of flash floods in the UK.

You can view my latest CV over at github

This website is based on the Freshmen21 theme by Lijia Yu.